Sunday, 3 November 2013

Tidying and finishing

It's fair to say that since Yarndale, the sewing room has been something of a bombsite. It was a bit of a tip beforehand too, but at least then I had the excuse of stockpiling ahead of the trip to Skipton. Anyway, in an effort to get the whole thing under control, the sewing room has been thoroughly reshuffled and an extra bookcase has found its way in there. It was a jolly satisfying way to spend last Saturday, if a tad exhausting.

The above is a mid-tidying shot. And so, having tidied the sewing room, I have spent most of this week crocheting next door in the living room...

Well, it would be a shame to mess up my lovely tidy sewing room! The blanket in these pics is currently pinned out to block. It'll be making an appearance in the shop as soon as it's done.

1 comment:

  1. Love the colours - a hint of Halloween in those shades - very nice, I do envy you with your craft room - one day I will grow up and have a crafting space of my own!
