Friday 11 April 2014

Square #100

Yesterday, 10 April, was the 100th day of the year.  It was a fairly standard spring day. It didn't rain, there was sunshine and it was reasonably warm.  A pale blue day.

This is square #100. Can you believe it? 100 squares of 'my-general-impression-of-the-weather-on-that-day'. 

As you can see, already this year we've had some amazingly bright and sunny days (sunscreen days, in fact!). Three of them, on the trot!

And there have been a few patches of not-so-great weather. Welly-boot-wearing, puddle-splashing weather.

I can't wait to see what it will look like after the next hundred days!


  1. It is wonderful!, Although a project one could only consider in a land as changeable as Britain. It would be very dull in somewhere predictable! xx
